Thursday, July 16, 2015

Happy Birthday to my Blog!


That's the word that has been on repeat in my head for the last few months. I am going to be teaching kindergarten this fall...


For the last four years, I have been learning how to become a great educator and it has all been leading up to this--  My very own classroom with my very own students and boy am I excited!

Last year, I had the amazing privilege of student teaching in a first grade classroom.  I learned to teach, of course, but I also learned just how passionate I am about this profession. We get the amazing opportunity to mold and inspire and empower young minds. How cool, right?! And, this may be my "first year enthusiasm", but how fun! I am so excited to join a group of professionals who make it their mission to reach children of all ages.

By far one of my favorite things about teaching is the community that comes with it--both in the real world, and in the blogging world.  I have read some truly incredible teacher blogs that have inspired me over these past few years, and I've recently decided that I want to join that community. While I am only a first year teacher, I want to get started now.  I might not be able to add to the community quite yet, but I'm sure gonna have fun tryin'! I think the title of my blog, "Baby Steps to Kindergarten" will begin to truly capture the essence of this blog.  I will be taking a lot of baby steps in the next year! And, while they will be small and baby-sized, they will lead me towards becoming a great teacher. So, I'm excited.  And I'm ready for this adventure. Here goes!

Feel free to sit back and enjoy the show!


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