Meet the Teacher

Howdy! Thank you so much for stopping by my lil ol' blog! My name is Ali Briggum and this is going to be my very first year teaching! I graduated from Texas' greatest university, Baylor, and I couldn't have asked for a better collegiate experience.  (warning: tangent ahead!)
Baylor's education program was absolutely incredible.  From the first moment you are in the program, you're working with kids. Junior year of the program is comprised of two blocks: literacy/social studies, and math/science.  During both of those blocks, you're tutoring small groups of kids for two hours M-F, plus the method courses. Senior year of the program is comprised of a full year internship (student teaching) in the same classroom.  I am truly blessed by the professors who taught me, and the teachers I worked with.  I really, really can't say enough about the Baylor elementary education program. Please ask if you have any more questions, because I would love to rant even more than I am right now! ;)

I had no idea that I would end up staying in Texas. I am originally from Stillwater, Oklahoma, but my mom recently moved to Washington. As I like to say, I'm really not "from" anywhere anymore!  So, when it came to deciding where to teach after college I thought through many, many different options.  At first, I wanted to teach in the Bronx, and then I wanted to stay in Waco, and then I wanted to move to Atlanta... it was a bit of self-discovery that got me to where I am!  When I started to look at districts in Texas, CyFair ended up having a job fair that week.  I signed up, researched the district out the wazoo, and headed to an auditorium with 54 elementary schools.  That's right...fifty four! It was a little daunting, to say the least.  But by God's amazing grace, I met the AP at my school and she seemed to like me! I went to the interview and was blown away by how awesome the kindergarten and first grade teachers were.  The next day, I was offered the kinder position and it has been a whirlwind ever since!

That's my story! I'm sure that once I gain more experience, it will shift and change, but I like it for now :)


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